Sunday, November 9, 2008

Conference at LUG - Madrid

I'm proud to announce to the community my first presentation about OpenMoko.For the English speakers, i'm so sorry, but it's in english.

The UC3M LUG and the creator of the FDOM distro (es), David Samblas, give me the opportunity to talk about this amazing project.
The event was the Congreso GUL UC3M 2008. A lot of Spanish people talking about OpenSource projects. (i love it :D)

You could see the presentation in two parts.(in Spanish, sorry):

And the Presentation in OpenOffice format.

D-BUS working, but not all services available

Hello to everybody,

well, some progress have been made in the desired port. The DBUS systems is up and more or less working. We'll have he zhone app working properly with DBUS connected into the app. To surf deeply into the API, and the services running, we have some usefull commands, thanks to mdbus app provided by Michael Lauer.

root@em-x270:~# mdbus -s

We could see a lot of services, but not all of them are working properly.

Now it's time to write some code to add support for the GSM modem, the WiFI, the bluetooh, the GPS, battery, speakers, ...
A lot of things to test :D

Time to dev a litle bit.

See you soon.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

First Openmoko image

It's a long time since my last post., but here I come back to show you new progress.

I'm being bussy trying to make the poky trunk build system work in my company server. But the config of that server, makes it almost impossible. As the Ida Systems Ltd. guys send me the new phone Openmoko Neo Freerunner as a present, i though that was time to get hands on it (but, keeping in mind the em-x270). After some compiling warnings and errors with the OE environment, i'll found one really nice, in mix with the FSO ( framework that is going to be used with openmoko in the near future (i hope). This environment works, because the openemebedded repository used was the official one, plenty of configurations and machines.

This gives us the opportunity to make the FSO-image for other machines that om-gta01 or om-gta02. This is what i get, a working image for em-x270 :)

Take a look of the em-x270 and the Openmoko Neo Frerunner:

Bootin the board.

First Openmoko Look

A deeper look.

Booting the FSO image.

Zhone started. (Take a look that the dbus system is not working)

zhone out of time :) Left: mls2 Right mls3

The Home in action (another icon fix problem).

The bad things are:

  • No dbus properly working (i'd like to help the FSO guys to get more hardware working with the framework)
  • Some of the devices has to be linked with the touchscreen: ln -s /dev/input/touchscreen0 /dev/ts or ln -s /dev/input/touchscreen0 /dev/touchscreen/0 that are the ones that the openmoko uses.

All this stuff is working through NFS, because it's easier to has a dev cross env until everything goes working properly.

Well, it needs some real dev work to get the devices working, but it would be a happy hacking time :)

Some more news soon.

P.D. Ah! I forget to said that the poky system, that has official support to the em-x270 machine, has the icons working properly.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Trying poky

Well, some Openembedded distros have "support" for the em-x270, but only poky ( is officially supported into the distro.

As a Openembedded distro, i'll try to compile and get it working with the module.
Here you can see some screenshots:

Poky running into the em-x270. No icons loaded.

A better picture of the main screen:

It's not working properly, but it could be because the nfs server. I'll take a look on it.

I'll get working some distros, then: angstrom (the officially compulab distro), and poky linux.
Next step, use the Openmoko distro rootfs.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First post, "First" device

Hello to everybody,

This is my first english post in that blog. I created this blog in order to have the my hardware development in the OpenSource world up to date to the community.

I'm working with some ARM Hardware devices (soon patches are in the kitchen). And in my spare time i'm getting fun hacking the Compulab EM-X270. I get this device thanks to rakshat . The goal is to make Openmoko Linux "distro", that was designed for NeoFreerunnere and Neo1973 hardware phones, to work with this device, and I'm hands on it.

I'll try to keep the blog up to date.

Hope you like.